Friday 25 April 2014

Dad Dance

DADDY: What are you doing?

LILLY: I'm copying your dance moves.

DADDY: But they look awful!

LILLY: Yes but you do a good moon walk, it is very funny.

Tuesday 15 April 2014

Chicken Dance

LILLY: And now you dance around in a circle.

DADDY: In what level of hell do they play this?

LILLY: Why do you hate the Chicken Song?

DADDY: It is the opposite of everything I stand for.

LILLY: But it's happy.

DADDY: Eggsactly.

Thursday 10 April 2014


DADDY: You know how old people wear their trousers too high?


DADDY: If I started doing that you would tell me wouldn't you?

LILLY: It depends.

DADDY: On what?

LILLY: On how funny you looked.

Tuesday 8 April 2014

Piracy, It's a Crime

LILLY: You wouldn’t steal a car

DADDY: I would if I could download one.


DADDY: Yo ho ho and a bottle of rum.

Sunday 6 April 2014


DADDY: Are you asleep?

LILLY: I was you bald arsed doofus!

DADDY: Sorry. Good insult though.

LILLY: I just make them up, do you want to hear another one?

Wednesday 2 April 2014


DADDY: I just bought new socks.

LILLY: Good because your feet are horrible.

DADDY: Unfortunately they run in the family...

LILLY: Heh heh.